IMT Spectrum Demand Estimator
Research Result: Specturm Policy Making
Student Projects
Lab Members
New voices and freshman are welcome to join us.
Network Lab headed by Dr. Yen-Hung Chen locates in National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences (NTUNHS), Taipei. We are working on the following research topics:
- Complexity Science in Network:
- Artificial Intelligence modeling in Network Slicing
- New Computing Environment for 6G mobile environment
- Establishing agenda, alternatives, and national/business policies
- Identifying large-scale events on the Internet, and observing significant changes in connectivity geolocated to East Asia region
- Our current status: Spectrum Policy Making
Selected Published Journal Paper
- Yen-Hung Chen (單一作者), " An Adaptive Heuristic Algorithm to solve the Network Slicing Resource Management Problem," International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 36, no. 8:e5463, 2023. doi: (SCIE Q3, 2020 IF = 1.882, Rank= 189/276 = 68.47%, Category:【ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC】)
- Wang-You Tsai, Tzu-Chuan Chou, Yen-Hung Chen(第三作者且通訊作者), Pi-Tzong Jan, " A 5G Spectrum Demanding Estimation Framework Considering Coalition Formation of Taiwan Telecommunication Operator," Journal of Internet Technology, vol 21, no. 3, 2021. (SCIE Q4, 2019 IF = 0.768, Rank= 83/90 = 92.22%, Category:【TELECOMMUNICATIONS】)
- Yen-Hung Chen(第一及通訊作者), Pi-Tzong Jan, "Impossible trinity: A guideline to shape telecommunication policy by mediating bandwidth supply," Computer Standards & Interfaces (ISSN: 0920-5489), vol. 65, 2019, pp. 167-179. DOI: (SCIE Q2, 2018 IF=2.441, Rank= 29/107=24.2%, Category: 【COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING】)
- Yen-Hung Chen(第一及通訊作者), “Drafting spectrum policy in an access-price targeting perspective and exploring its embedded biological nature,” Computer Standards & Interfaces (ISSN: 0920-5489), vol. 62, 2019, pp. 128-139. DOI: (SCIE Q2, 2018 IF=2.441, Rank= 29/107=24.2%, Category: 【COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING】)